To be eligible for a CEO Roundtable the applicant must:

    • Be the top-level executive of a company (regardless of title)
    • Agree to the confidentiality of the group
    • Commit to making at least 75% of the meetings each year
    • Be invited by the current members
    • Agree to our ‘no marketing to other members’ policy

Some exceptions to these requirements are made for certain specialists such as CPAs and Lawyers.

CEO Roundtables Require Commitment

In a roundtable setting you get back what you put in and the first level of this is a commitment to the process. Time is by far the rarest commodity that our members have and it is their time that they invest in the program. Roundtables produce no results if the member does not attend on a regular basis. In the typical roundtable the real value of the investment becomes clear only after the member has been active for over a year. It takes time to create honest and open peer relationships.

Membership is NOT guaranteed

Groups can and do add additional requirements to this basic list. Membership is controlled by the active members of the group and they may set any requirements they deem necessary to create the best possible group for their purposes. Each table has a unique personality that is the sum of the active members.

Membership benefits include:

    • Informal Personal Board of Advisors
    • Independent & Diverse Sounding Board for Executive Issues
    • Better-Informed Decision Making
    • More Effective Visionary Thinking

Openings in existing tables are rare, and when they do exist the tables look for is a trusted non-competitive peer that will complement their circle of advisors. Members are bartering for the time of the others in the group and their time is valuable and the relationship has to be balanced for it to work.

Membership Contribution for Program Administration:

    • Members pay $300 per year
    • New members are allowed to attend 2 meetings before this fee is due.
    • Groups pay their own expenses – Although it is rare for a group to have any.
    • Other optional events such as the Annual Breakfast are an addtional fee.

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